Professional Soccer Players May Demonstrate Exceptional Cognitive Control
Top soccer players demonstrate superlative cognitive abilities for strategizing and situational awareness
Christiane Gelitz is a psychologist and an editor at Spektrum der Wissenschaft.
Professional Soccer Players May Demonstrate Exceptional Cognitive Control
Top soccer players demonstrate superlative cognitive abilities for strategizing and situational awareness
People Pay Attention Better Today Than 30 Years Ago—Really.
A rise in IQs in recent decades is mirrored by a trend showing an increase in adults’ ability to concentrate
Know Yourself Better by Writing What Pops into Your Head
The exercise of writing down unfiltered thoughts enhances self-knowledge
Allergic to Your Pet? This Immunotherapy May Help
Developing an allergy to your dog or cat can be a nightmare, but hyposensitization could offer permanent relief
How Certain Gestures Help You Learn New Words
Researchers used headsets that release disruptive magnetic pulses to study how motor brain areas contribute to the effect
Misophonia Might Not Be about Hating Sounds After All
The phenomenon triggers strong negative reactions to everyday sounds but might come from subconscious mirroring behavior
Humans Are Pretty Lousy Lie Detectors
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You Are What You Like
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