Why Private Forecasting Companies Can’t Replace the National Weather Service
NOAA and the NWS provide public weather data that private companies cannot recreate
Curated by professional editors, The Conversation offers informed commentary and debate on the issues affecting our world.
Why Private Forecasting Companies Can’t Replace the National Weather Service
NOAA and the NWS provide public weather data that private companies cannot recreate
Can Trump Just Order New Names for Denali and the Gulf of Mexico?
A geographer explains how maps’ place names, such as the Gulf of Mexico and Denali, are decided
The Neuroscience of Severance: What’s Real? What’s Fake?
The hit show Severance can be refashioned as a teaching moment about certain brain disorders. But its famed “Innie” versus “Outie” conceit is totally bogus
Wildfires Started by Daily Human Activities Are Often More Destructive
Fast-moving fires, such as the recent ones in the Los Angeles area, and those started by humans, whether accidentally or not, are often some of the most destructive
Wildfires May Be Contaminating Los Angeles Water with Harmful Chemicals
Fires can make drinking water, pipes and tanks unsafe. An environmental engineer explains why that’s so and what to do
Why Time ‘Slows’ When You’re in Danger
It seems like time slows in an emergency or in the heat of a sports match. Here are a few explanations for this altered perception
Frigid Temperatures Are Way below Normal This Week, but ‘Normal’ Is Getting Warmer
Blasts of Arctic air have brought frigid temperatures that are much colder than normal to parts of the U.S., but that “normal” background is warmer than in the past
Some of These Whales May Live to 150—Double the Age Previously Thought
Bowhead whales were known to live up to 200 years, and a new study finds that southern right whales may live up to age 150 if they aren’t being hunted
Meet Pearl Young, Who ‘Raised Hell’ at NASA’s Predecessor
Pearl Young joined the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics in 1922, working across departments before becoming a technical editor
How Frazzled Parents Can Be More Present with Kids during the Holidays
Future-oriented thinking, rather than careening from moment to moment, can help parents have more meaningful moments with their children
Why Countries Are Color-Coding Healthy Foods at Grocery Stores
European countries and Australia have rolled out front-of-package nutrient profiling. Color-coding or star ranking systems let shoppers make quick choices about healthy foods
Are Octopuses Too Smart to Be Farmed?
A planned octopus farm is facing opposition. Here’s why
Why People Get More Colds in Winter
A mixture of colder temperatures, lower humidity and more time spent indoors could explain the uptick in cold viruses during the winter holidays
Untangling Why Red Wine Causes Headaches
Opt for lighter, cheaper wine to dodge headaches this holiday season
How to Manage Holiday Grief in Yourself and Others
The holidays can be a difficult time for people who are grieving. Here’s how to get through it or support a loved one
Ferns’ ‘Backward’ Evolution Reveals Life’s Meandering Path
Evolution is often depicted as a steady forward march from simple to complex forms. But new research shows that certain ferns can evolve “backward”
From Polarization to Brain Rot to Brat, 2024’s Words of the Year Reflect Online Power and Peril
The 2024 word-of-the-year winners offer a window into the spirit of the times
What to Know about Lead Contamination in Cinnamon
Amid concerns about lead found in certain cinnamon products, here’s what to know about how spices can pick up heavy metals and how worried to be
What Caused This Seven-Mile Scar in Australia’s Outback, Seen on Google Earth?
A man scouring Google Earth found a mysterious scar in the Australian outback. And now scientists know what caused it
Fast Fashion Affects Climate, Exploits Workers and Creates Enormous Textile Waste
Fast fashion may seem cheap, but it’s taking a costly toll on the planet—and on millions of young people
What Trump Can—And Probably Can’t—Do to Reverse U.S. Climate Policy
The new president-elect can go beyond just pulling out of the Paris Agreement. But it may be more difficult to roll back clean energy policies
Misinformation Really Does Spread like a Virus, Epidemiology Shows
“Going viral” appears to be more than just a catchphrase when it comes to the rampant spread of misinformation
Iconic Bird of American Horror Stories Faces Its Own Terrifying Fate
The Whip-Poor-Will’s shrill, death-proclaiming song populates the works of Stephen King and H.P. Lovecraft. But the bird itself has fallen on hard times. Could it become a ghost of Halloweens past?
In Floods like Hurricane Helene’s, Toxic Chemicals Are a Silent and Growing Threat
People living near industrial facilities often have few details about the chemicals inside, which poses major risks when floods occur