Annual U.S. Dementia Cases Projected to Rise to 1 Million by 2060
A new study finds that dementia cases will increase at a much higher rate than expected, with lifetime risk rising to 42 percent after age 55
Annual U.S. Dementia Cases Projected to Rise to 1 Million by 2060
A new study finds that dementia cases will increase at a much higher rate than expected, with lifetime risk rising to 42 percent after age 55
Wildfire Smoke Linked to Increased Risk of Dementia
The particles that make up wildfire smoke may raise the risk of dementia even more than similar airborne pollutants from other sources
Read all the stories you want.
Why So Many Kids Still Die in Hot Cars Every Year
Cases of deadly heatstroke of children in cars have remained stubbornly persistent—here’s why they happen and how we can prevent them
Musical Memories Don’t Fade with Age
Eighty-year-olds are able to identify familiar tunes just as well as teenagers can
The Best Strategy for Learning May Depend on What You’re Trying to Remember
Different approaches can support varied forms of memory
Alzheimer’s Drug with Modest Benefits Gets Green Light from FDA Advisers
The drug donanemab slows progression of symptoms in people with early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, but questions linger about the durability of its effect
How to Improve Prospective Memory, the Ability to Remember to Remember
Prospective memory is a skill that can be practiced, making it more likely that someone can remember an appointment or meet a deadline
Time Slows Down When We See Something Memorable
New research shows that looking at memorable images can warp our perception of time
Memories Are Made by Breaking DNA — and Fixing It, Study in Mice Finds
Nerve cells form long-term memories with the help of an inflammatory response
Does Long-Term Benadryl Use Increase Dementia Risk?
Benadryl, which contains diphenhydramine, is a drugstore mainstay and just one medication out of many that could possibly damage brain health
Why Writing by Hand Is Better for Memory and Learning
Engaging the fine motor system to produce letters by hand has positive effects on learning and memory
Jeopardy! Winner Reveals Entwined Memory Systems Make a Trivia Champion
A former Jeopardy! winner led a new study that probes how linked memory systems may give trivia buffs an edge in their game