AI’s Energy Demands Threaten a Nuclear Waste Nightmare
Reviving nuclear power plants to power AI threatens an avalanche of nuclear waste
Michael Riordan, a physicist and historian of science and technology, is co-author of The Solar Home Book and Crystal Fire: The Birth of the Information Age.
AI’s Energy Demands Threaten a Nuclear Waste Nightmare
Reviving nuclear power plants to power AI threatens an avalanche of nuclear waste
Scientists Must Stand Up for Internationalism
Nationalistic trends across the world threaten the cross-border cooperation that underlies scientific progress
William Happer Courts the Trump Administration
An eminent physicist leads a political effort to undermine climate science
Science Has Made America Great
But the policies of the current administration could start to change that
The Higgs at Last
After a three-decade search, scientists appear to have found the elusive particle. Its peculiar properties suggest a new era in physics could be about to dawn
The Last Days of the Hunt for the Higgs Boson
After a three-decade search, scientists appear to have found the elusive particle. Its peculiar properties suggest a new era in physics could be about to dawn
Green Lasers: The Next Innovation in Chip-Based Beams
Semiconductors can generate laser light in all colors except one. But new techniques for growing laser diodes could soon make brilliant full-spectrum displays a reality