Teaching Evolution Has a Bright Future in the U.S.
A century after the Scopes trial, hopeful prospects beckon for teaching the unifying principle of the biological sciences in the U.S.’s classrooms
Glenn Branch is deputy director of the National Center for Science Education, a nonprofit organization that supports the accurate teaching of evolution and climate change.
Teaching Evolution Has a Bright Future in the U.S.
A century after the Scopes trial, hopeful prospects beckon for teaching the unifying principle of the biological sciences in the U.S.’s classrooms
Science Education Is Under Legislative Attack
More than a dozen half-baked bills in a number of states would weaken the teaching of evolution and other “controversial” topics
Flat-Earthery, British Style
A new poll estimates flat-Earth belief in the U.K. at 1 percent
Evolution Is Still True, but...
...50 years after the infamous “monkey law” was struck down, anti-evolution fanatics continue to fight it, in ever sneakier ways
Yes, Flat-Earthers Really Do Exist
Despite some methodological flaws, a recent poll credibly indicates that flat-Earthery persists
Do People Really Think Earth Might Be Flat?
A poll says lots of Millennials evidently do—and it’s not entirely clear why
50 Years Ago: Repeal of Tennessee’s “Monkey Law”
The statute that got John Scopes in trouble back in 1925 was finally repealed in 1967—but the teaching of evolution in public schools is still not entirely safe
The Latest Face of Creationism in the Classroom
Creationists who want religious ideas taught as scientific fact in public schools continue to adapt to courtroom defeats by hiding their true aims under ever-changing guises