This Supermassive Black Hole May Harbor a Bizarre Star That Refuses to Die
Strange x-ray pulses hint at a surprisingly long-lived white dwarf orbiting precariously close to a supermassive black hole
This Supermassive Black Hole May Harbor a Bizarre Star That Refuses to Die
Strange x-ray pulses hint at a surprisingly long-lived white dwarf orbiting precariously close to a supermassive black hole
The Dawn of ‘Dark Ages’ Astronomy
The universe’s light-starved early epochs, as well as the first stars and galaxies, lie beyond the reach of conventional observatories but could be revealed by a new generation of radio telescope arrays
Read all the stories you want.
Could Colossal Black Hole Jets Have Shaped the Early Universe?
Supermassive black holes can expel jets of material so vast and powerful that they may shape the large-scale structure of the cosmos
Dark Matter Could Be Hiding Out as Atom-Sized Black Holes
The universe’s hidden mass may be made of black holes, which could wobble the planets of the solar system when they pass by
Black Hole Detectors Fulfill Moore’s Law
A famous prediction that microchips improve exponentially over time can be applicable in unrelated developments, such as the technology used to discover colliding black holes
Stars Hint at an Unusual Black Hole Lurking in Our Galaxy
Images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope point to an elusive intermediate-size black hole in the star cluster Omega Centauri
A Mystery about the Universe’s First Black Holes May Be Solved at Last
Astrophysicist Priyamvada Natarajan predicted that black holes can form without the help of stars. New observations support her theory
We’ve Finally Seen Matter Plunge into a Black Hole
For the first time, scientists observed matter’s free fall into a black hole’s “plunging region”
How Can You ‘See’ a Black Hole?
How do astronomers find the darkest objects in the universe?
Collapsing Sheets of Spacetime Could Explain Dark Matter and Why the Universe ‘Hums’
Domain walls, long a divisive topic in physics, may be ideal explanations for some bizarre cosmic quirks
Astronomers Discover Milky Way's 'Sleeping Giant' Black Hole Shockingly Close to Earth
A black hole weighing as much as 33 suns lurks a mere 2,000 light-years away from our solar system
Our Galaxy’s Biggest Black Hole Just Got a New Close-up. What’s Next Could Be Even Wilder
As the Event Horizon Telescope pursues ambitious upgrades, the project’s latest results reveal the magnetic fields around our galaxy’s supermassive black hole