Inside the NSF’s Effort to Scour Research Grants for Violations of Trump’s Orders
The U.S. National Science Foundation has unfrozen grant funding, but it continues to scrutinize research projects, sowing turmoil
Dan Garisto is a freelance science journalist.
Inside the NSF’s Effort to Scour Research Grants for Violations of Trump’s Orders
The U.S. National Science Foundation has unfrozen grant funding, but it continues to scrutinize research projects, sowing turmoil
What Trump’s Blitz of Executive Orders Means for Science
After his second inauguration, President Donald Trump signed a host of executive orders, some with important implications for science
Google’s Quantum Computer Makes a Major Breakthrough in Error Correction
Google’s new chip, Willow, has achieved the exponential suppression of errors. The advance is substantial, but Willow remains far from delivering on any practical applications
Don’t Panic. AI Isn’t Coming to End Scientific Exploration
Science is filled with tools that once seemed revolutionary and are now just part of the research tool kit. That time may have come for artificial intelligence
‘Spooky Action at a Distance’ Observed in Quarks for the First Time
Physicists report the first observations of quantum entanglement in top and anti-top quarks, the heaviest known fundamental particles and their antimatter counterparts, inside the Large Hadron Collider
Road Map for U.S. Particle Physics Wins Broad Approval
A major report plotting the future of U.S. particle physics calls for cuts to the beleaguered DUNE project, advocates a “muon shot” for a next-generation collider and recommends a new survey of the universe’s oldest observable light
This Year's Physics Nobel Awards Scientists for Slicing Reality into Attoseconds
Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz, and Anne L’Huillier split the award for their ability to picture nature in a billionth of a billionth of a second
Particle Physicists Dream of a Muon Collider
After years spent languishing in obscurity, proposals for a muon collider are regaining momentum among particle physicists
Muon Mystery Deepens with Latest Measurements
The latest data from the Muon g−2 experiment corroborates previous results, but clashing theoretical predictions leave physicists without a clear conclusion
Viral New Superconductivity Claims Leave Many Scientists Skeptical
Researchers say they have discovered a new room-temperature ambient-pressure superconductor, but many scientists are unconvinced
Controversial Physicist Faces Mounting Accusations of Scientific Misconduct
Allegations of data fabrication have sparked the retraction of multiple papers from Ranga Dias, a researcher who claimed discovery of a room-temperature superconductor
Listen to the Astonishing ‘Chirp’ of Two Black Holes Merging
Some of the most violent cosmic collisions occur silently in the vacuum of space, but with the right instrumental ears, we can still hear it happen. Here’s how.
Gravitational-Wave Search Resumes after Three Years and Lots of Headaches
Researchers still hope to discover hundreds of new binary black hole mergers despite technical setbacks that have sidelined key detectors in Italy and Japan
The Universe Is Not Locally Real, and the Physics Nobel Prize Winners Proved It
Elegant experiments with entangled light have laid bare a profound mystery at the heart of reality
Quantum Physics Titans Win Breakthrough Prize
This year’s Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics honors some of the pioneers of quantum information science
Physicists Struggle to Unite around Future Plans
Over 10 days, researchers participating in the once-a-decade “Snowmass process” attempted to build a unified scientific vision for the future of particle physics
Large Hadron Collider Seeks New Particles after Major Upgrade
Long-awaited boosts to the world’s most powerful collider could spur breakthroughs in the hunt for physics beyond the Standard Model
Elementary Particle’s Unexpected Heft Stuns Physicists
A new analysis by the CDF collaboration is a bolt from the blue, finding that the W boson is significantly heavier than suggested by previous measurements and theoretical prediction
ArXiv.org Reaches a Milestone and a Reckoning
Runaway success and underfunding have led to growing pains for the preprint server
Why the Physics Nobel Honored Climate Science and Complex Systems
The prestigious award finally recognizes work that helped scientists understand climate change and, more broadly, find order in disorder
China Is Pulling Ahead in Global Quantum Race, New Studies Suggest
The competition between the U.S. and China over development of quantum technology has implications for both the future of science and the two countries’ political relations
Scientists Supersize Quantum Effects with Entangled Drum Duet
Two teams have demonstrated new degrees of quantum measurements in micron-sized metal drums
Long-Awaited Muon Measurement Boosts Evidence for New Physics
Initial data from the Muon g-2 experiment have excited particle physicists searching for undiscovered subatomic particles and forces
Unexplained Results Intrigue Physicists at World’s Largest Particle Collider
Muons and electrons might not experience the same fundamental interactions, contrary to Standard Model predictions