Exotic ‘Paraparticles’ That Defy Categorization May Exist in Many Dimensions
Theoretical physicists predict the existence of exotic “paraparticles” that defy classification and could have quantum computing applications
Exotic ‘Paraparticles’ That Defy Categorization May Exist in Many Dimensions
Theoretical physicists predict the existence of exotic “paraparticles” that defy classification and could have quantum computing applications
Carolyn Beatrice Parker’s Work on the Manhattan Project Inspired Her Birthplace Generations Later
This Black physicist’s work on the Manhattan Project inspired a County in Florida two generations after her death
Read all the stories you want.
Alternate Timelines Can’t Help You, Quantum Physicists Say
The multiverse offers no escape from our reality—which might be a very good thing
Mysterious Gamma-Ray Flashes May Be Missing Link for Lightning Bolts
Observations from a retrofitted spy plane hint at a connection between powerful gamma-ray flashes and a thunderstorm’s lightning
Don’t Panic. AI Isn’t Coming to End Scientific Exploration
Science is filled with tools that once seemed revolutionary and are now just part of the research tool kit. That time may have come for artificial intelligence
The Untold Story of Marie Curie’s Network of Female Scientists
Marie Curie is well known for her chemistry achievements but less so for helping other women succeed in science
A One-in-10-Billion Particle Decay Hints at Hidden Physics
Physicists have detected a long-sought particle process that may suggest new forces and particles exist in the universe
‘Spooky Action at a Distance’ Observed in Quarks for the First Time
Physicists report the first observations of quantum entanglement in top and anti-top quarks, the heaviest known fundamental particles and their antimatter counterparts, inside the Large Hadron Collider
Dark Matter Could Be Hiding Out as Atom-Sized Black Holes
The universe’s hidden mass may be made of black holes, which could wobble the planets of the solar system when they pass by
Ultra-Precise Particle Measurement Narrows Pathway to ‘New Physics’
A long-awaited calculation of the W boson’s mass agrees with theory, contradicting a previous anomaly that had raised the possibility of new physics beyond the Standard Model
This Researcher Helped Create a Machine to Pursue the ‘Quest for Everything’
Helen Edwards was a particle physicist who led the design and construction of the Tevatron, a machine built to probe deeper into the atom than anyone had gone before.
A ‘Neutrino Fog’ Is Starting to Cloud the Search for Dark Matter
With the detection of a long-predicted “neutrino fog,” the search for particles of dark matter has entered a new age of both possibility and peril