Exotic ‘Paraparticles’ That Defy Categorization May Exist in Many Dimensions
Theoretical physicists predict the existence of exotic “paraparticles” that defy classification and could have quantum computing applications
Exotic ‘Paraparticles’ That Defy Categorization May Exist in Many Dimensions
Theoretical physicists predict the existence of exotic “paraparticles” that defy classification and could have quantum computing applications
Google’s Quantum Computer Makes a Major Breakthrough in Error Correction
Google’s new chip, Willow, has achieved the exponential suppression of errors. The advance is substantial, but Willow remains far from delivering on any practical applications
Read all the stories you want.
Alternate Timelines Can’t Help You, Quantum Physicists Say
The multiverse offers no escape from our reality—which might be a very good thing
A One-in-10-Billion Particle Decay Hints at Hidden Physics
Physicists have detected a long-sought particle process that may suggest new forces and particles exist in the universe
Evidence of ‘Negative Time’ Found in Quantum Physics Experiment
Physicists showed that photons can seem to exit a material before entering it, revealing observational evidence of negative time
‘Spooky Action at a Distance’ Observed in Quarks for the First Time
Physicists report the first observations of quantum entanglement in top and anti-top quarks, the heaviest known fundamental particles and their antimatter counterparts, inside the Large Hadron Collider
Quantum ‘Ghost Imaging’ Reveals the Dark Side of Plants
Entanglement lets researchers watch plants in action without disruptive visible light
A New Quantum Cheshire Cat Thought Experiment Is Out of the Box
The spin of a particle seems to detach and move without a body—a strange experimental observation that’s stirring up debate
Can Space and Time Exist as Two Shapes at Once? Mind-Bending Experiments Aim to Find Out
Proposed experiments will search for signs that spacetime is quantum and can exist in a superposition of multiple shapes at once
19 Good News Science Stories to Savor This Summer
From lifesaving cancer treatments and frog “spas” to a view of the cosmos from your own backyard, science can keep you going through the long, hot days of summer
Can AI Save Schrödinger’s Cat?
Outcomes in quantum mechanics depend on observations. But must the observer be human?
These Are the Most Beautiful Equations, according to Mathematicians
Mathematicians picked the most dazzling, thought-provoking and compelling equations they know