We May Be on the Brink of Finding the Real Planet Nine
If there’s a hidden world in the solar system, a new telescope should find it
Illustration by Ron Miller
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We May Be on the Brink of Finding the Real Planet Nine
If there’s a hidden world in the solar system, a new telescope should find it
Great Apes Joke Around, Suggesting Humor Is Older Than Humans
Studies of great apes hint at why and when clowning behavior evolved
How to Stop the Next Viral Pandemic
A new combo of climate and habitat crises, along with immune system stress, is driving more bat-borne viruses to afflict us
The New Science of Controlling Lucid Dreams
“Engineering” sleeping consciousness could reduce nightmares, treat insomnia—and even induce specific dreams just for fun
The Vagus Nerve’s Mysterious Role in Mental Health Untangled
The healing potential of the brain’s most interconnected nerve intrigues researchers
NASA’s Europa Clipper Spacecraft Aims for Jupiter’s Most Intriguing Moon
For the first time, we are sending a spacecraft to explore an alien ocean world—a moon that might host life today