How the Mind Emerges from the Brain’s Complex Networks
The new discipline of network neuroscience yields a picture of how mental activity arises from carefully orchestrated interactions among different brain areas
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How the Mind Emerges from the Brain’s Complex Networks
The new discipline of network neuroscience yields a picture of how mental activity arises from carefully orchestrated interactions among different brain areas
Lifting the Veil on Near-Death Experiences
What the neuroscience of near-death experiences tells us about human consciousness
A New Therapy for Multiple Personality Disorder Helps a Woman with 12 Selves
Therapy for dissociative identity disorder has aimed to meld many personalities into one. But that’s not the only solution, a caring therapist shows
The Neuroscience of Reality
Reality is constructed by the brain, and no two brains are exactly alike
Borderline Personality Disorder May Be Rooted in Trauma
A focus on the traumatic origins of an often stigmatized psychiatric diagnosis is inspiring new treatments
Adolescent Anxiety Is Hard to Treat. New Drug-Free Approaches May Help
Research on the developing brain points to new ways to help young people with anxiety disorders
What Is Narcissism? Science Confronts a Widely Misunderstood Phenomenon
Researchers debate whether grandiosity always masks vulnerability
Too Many Schools Are Misdiagnosing Dyslexia
Changing how dyslexia is diagnosed could help many more children learn to read
Acting Out Dreams Predicts Parkinson’s and Other Brain Diseases
Enacted dreams could be an early sign of Parkinson’s disease
Some People Who Appear to Be in a Coma May Actually Be Conscious
Brain scans reveal that some people who can’t speak or move are aware of the world around them