New Law Allowing Religion into Science Classrooms Is Dangerous for Everyone
It is imperative that we protect science education from “intelligent design” and other alternative “theories”
New Law Allowing Religion into Science Classrooms Is Dangerous for Everyone
It is imperative that we protect science education from “intelligent design” and other alternative “theories”
India Cuts Periodic Table and Evolution from School Textbooks
The periodic table, as well as evolution, won’t be taught to under-16s in India as they start the new school year
Read all the stories you want.
Will Creationism Continue to Flourish in Brazil?
Under former president Jair Bolsonaro, scientific misinformation ran rampant through Brazil. And even with new leadership, it will be difficult to stop
Evidence Shouldn’t Be Optional
This Supreme Court often ignores science when handing down decisions, and it affects far too many lives
Book Review: God's Word or Human Reason? An Inside Perspective on Creationism
The claims of young-Earth creationists are easily checked and easily countered. And a new book—written by former creationists themselves—does this in substantive, compelling detail...
Trump's Presidency Will Be a Disaster for Public Education
The choices Trump is making bode ill for STEM education - and all public schools
Fight at the Museum: Confronting Visitor Biases
Midway through the school year, parents and teachers are starting to plan (and fundraise) for winter and spring field trips. Among the most popular destinations is the science museum.
Evolution versus Creation; Extinction of the Passenger Pigeon
Innovation and discovery as chronicled in past issues of Scientific American
Book Review: WTF, Evolution?!
Books and recommendations from Scientific American
Book Review: Your Atomic Self
Books and recommendations from Scientific American
Earth Has Water Older Than the Sun
Not all water in the solar system today could have formed in our solar system
Weak Nuclear Force Shown to Give Asymmetry to the Biochemistry of Life
"Left-handed" electrons have been found to destroy certain organic molecules faster than their mirror versions