Little Scientists: Babies Have Scientific Minds
Even the youngest children know, experience and learn far more than scientists ever thought possible
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Little Scientists: Babies Have Scientific Minds
Even the youngest children know, experience and learn far more than scientists ever thought possible
A Surprising Secret to Raising Smart Kids
Hint: Don't tell your kids that they are. More than three decades of research shows that a focus on “process”—not on intelligence or ability—is key to success in school and in life
Mental Exercise Can Improve a Child's Thinking
Scientists have concocted mental fitness regimens to strengthen weak thinking skills in students—in effect, making kids smarter
How to Build a Better Learner
Brain studies suggest new ways to improve reading, writing and arithmetic—and even social skills
Ways to Ease a Child’s Stress
Stress may be silently sabotaging success in school. Its effects are especially potent for children in poverty
Done Right, Testing Enhances Learning
Too often school assessments heighten anxiety and hinder learning. New research shows how to reverse the trend
A Simple Trick Helps Kids Learn Colors
The way we commonly use color and number words in English makes it exceptionally tricky for kids to learn the concepts
Unstructured Play Is Critical to Child Development
Free, imaginative play is crucial for normal social, emotional and cognitive development. It makes us better adjusted, smarter and less stressed
Research Reveals Key Steps to Successful Parenting
A scientific analysis ranks the 10 most effective child-rearing practices. Surprisingly, some don't even involve the kids
Parent Training Can Ease Problem Behavior in Kids
An interactive parent-training program can stamp out behavior problems in kids—and abuse from parents
Autistic Children Benefit from Early Intervention
The disorder remains a medical mystery with no cure in sight, but some existing therapies produce lasting benefits, and more are on the horizon
Kids Can Quell Anxieties by Facing Them Head-On
Children with anxiety disorders can wallop their worries—and get back their life—by being encouraged to do just what they fear most. One doctor details how he helps his young patients
Extreme Shyness Can Be Overcome
That boy who never speaks in class? Chances are he has an anxiety disorder called selective mutism that demands the one thing he dreads the most: attention
How to Help Children Cope with Divorce
The breakup may be painful, but most kids adjust well over time
The Amazing Teen Brain
A mismatch in the maturation of brain networks leaves adolescents open to risky behavior but also allows for leaps in cognition and adaptability
How Alcohol Ravages the Teen Brain
Present Fathers Delay Teen Pregnancy
The influence of fathers on their teenage children has long been overlooked. Now researchers are finding surprising ways in which dads make a difference
Peer Pressure Can Be Used to Enhance Learning and Creativity
By not tapping the teenage fixation on social life, schools are missing an opportunity to motivate students
Are Touch Screens Ruining Our Children?
Are mobile devices ruining today's children? Science weighs in