The Hidden Costs of Men’s Social Isolation
When men suffer social isolation, women may pay the price, too
The Hidden Costs of Men’s Social Isolation
When men suffer social isolation, women may pay the price, too
Return-to-Office Demands Don’t Benefit Employees or Businesses
Donald Trump has joined big firms in demanding workers end remote work. But the evidence suggests that hurts both workers and the work
Read all the stories you want.
Firearm Forensics Is Still Troubled by Systemic Failure
Three forensic examiners at the Rhode Island State Crime Laboratory last year mistakenly concluded that cartridge cases from a crime scene matched a specific firearm. The error exposes systemic flaws that risk wrongful convictions
My Climate Protest Arrest Shows the Problem with ‘Social Tipping Point’ Theory
People hoping that progress on climate action will accelerate like sudden changes in our physical world must prepare for a long, hard struggle
The Supreme Court’s Case on Trans Health Shows Why Patients Should Make the Decisions
Supreme Court arguments over trans health care makes plain how badly we need personalized health care in all of medicine
Two Simple Reforms Can Make H-1B Visas Great Again
Although warring MAGA factions seem locked in a foreign worker battle with no middle ground, two straightforward changes would provide global talent while minimizing domestic job losses
Americans Are Moody, and Pollsters Should Pay Attention
The full potential of public opinion polling lies in its ability to illuminate deeper societal trends beyond electoral forecasts
Why Six-Year-Olds Think Computing and Engineering Are ‘for Boys’
Early cultural exposure can influence kids’ ideas about gender and STEM in significant ways
The Scientists versus Dartmouth: Inside a Sexual Harassment Scandal That Shook Science to Its Core
In 2018 a group of students at Dartmouth College filed a lawsuit that revealed an entrenched culture of power and abuse, and in doing so, they sparked a wider conversation about sexual violence in science.
The Public Distrusts Scientists’ Morals, Not Their Science
Reaction to a recent Pew survey on the public’s trust in science shows that the scientific community is not ready to address the real problem
Silicon Valley Is Reviving the Discredited and Discriminatory Idea of ‘Race Science’
Scientific racism today must be seen and rejected for what it truly is—a hollow attempt to dress discrimination in the garb of science and reason
AI Will Turn Our Lives into The Truman Show
Large language models can create muddled, misinformed multiverses