Fastest Known Planetary System Might Have Been Pushed by Our Galaxy’s Supermassive Black Hole
This blazingly fast star is shooting through the Milky Way with a planet in tow
Fastest Known Planetary System Might Have Been Pushed by Our Galaxy’s Supermassive Black Hole
This blazingly fast star is shooting through the Milky Way with a planet in tow
Something Is Wrong with Dark Energy, Physicists Say
Cosmic surveys suggest the force pulling the universe apart might not be constant after all
Read all the stories you want.
Why We Can’t Rule Out Alien Spaceships in Earth’s Atmosphere (Yet)
We can and should look harder for evidence of alien visitors to our solar system
This Equation Shows That the Universe Will Run out of Stars
The cosmos is dark. The Lilly-Madau diagram reveals that it will become much darker still
JWST’s ‘Little Red Dots’ Offer Astronomers the Universe’s Weirdest Puzzle
The James Webb Space Telescope’s search for the earliest stars and black holes has yielded a very weird, very red, puzzle
Supernova Slowdowns Confirm Einstein’s Predictions of Time Dilation
Analyzing 1,504 supernovae into the distant universe, astronomers have shown the clearest evidence yet for cosmological time dilation as predicted by Einstein
JWST Detects the Earliest, Most Distant Galaxy in the Known Universe—And It’s Super Weird
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope observed an unusually large and highly luminous galaxy at a record-breaking 290 million years after the big bang
How Many Holes Does the Universe Have?
The shape of the cosmos could be much more complex than anyone had ever imagined
Next-Generation Cosmic Observatory Hits South Pole Stumbling Block
Cosmic Microwave Background Stage 4, a top-priority project for U.S. astrophysics, was designed to make breakthrough observations of the universe’s very earliest moments. Now the U.S. government says it can’t currently support the project’s construction at the South Pole
We’ve Finally Seen Matter Plunge into a Black Hole
For the first time, scientists observed matter’s free fall into a black hole’s “plunging region”
How Can You ‘See’ a Black Hole?
How do astronomers find the darkest objects in the universe?
Meet HELIX, the High-Altitude Balloon That May Solve a Deep Cosmic Mystery
Every now and then, tiny particles of antimatter strike Earth from cosmic parts unknown. A new balloon-borne experiment launching this spring may at last find their source