Sandcastle Engineering: A Geotechnical Engineer Explains How Water, Air and Sand Create Solid Structures
Building the ultimate sandcastle
Sandcastle Engineering: A Geotechnical Engineer Explains How Water, Air and Sand Create Solid Structures
Building the ultimate sandcastle
Pompeii’s Ruins to Be Reconstructed by Robot
An ambitious project is underway to develop a robot with enough smarts, strength and sensitivity to restore fragmented archaeological remains
Read all the stories you want.
Architects Place Priority on Public Health for 2015
To build better and healthier spaces, architects are heeding evidence-based lessons
Bot-Built Exhibit Hall Shows Architectural Flair and Avant-Garde Design
Once considered blunt instruments, robots show finesse in constructing experimental German architecture
Parched California Moves to Boost Water-Saving Toilets and Faucets
Urban Farm Versus the Apocalypse
Urban Farm on a Rainy Day © Jon Ellis (aka jonorobo). Click each image to see enlarged version on DeviantArt. Most concept art is obsessed with various forms of self-inflicted apocalypse.
How to Overhaul the Way Buildings Use Energy
The Energy Innovation Hub is trying to understand how buildings squander their energy-saving potential
The Skyline of 2016 [Interactive]
A tour of the world's tallest buildings, including those under construction.
New Buildings Aim to Produce Energy, Not Consume It
Although it is still loosely defined, net-zero usually means a building that produces as much energy as is consumed
Midlatitude Mildew: Indoor Mold Growth Is Influenced More by Location Than Building Type
In a surprising study result, more numerous and diverse varieties of fungi inhabit temperate zone households than dwellings in tropical climes
Do Green Building Standards Minimize Human Health Concerns?
A new report argues that green building standards are weighted too heavily toward energy conservation
Over the Top: Data Show "Green" Roofs Could Cool Urban Heat Islands and Boost Water Conservation
Quantifying their urban climate change-mitigating effects is an important step in getting green roofing initiatives off the ground