Boxed Out
Science loses as the U.S. tightens visa rules
Madhusree Mukerjee is a senior editor at Scientific American, where she covers psychology, anthropology, and diverse other topics. She has authored two nonfiction books: Churchill's Secret War (Basic Books, 2010) and The Land of Naked People (Houghton-Mifflin, 2003). She has a PhD in physics from the University of Chicago and received a Guggenheim fellowship to complete her first book. She has written numerous articles on Indigenous issues, development and colonialism and is working on a third book.
Boxed Out
Science loses as the U.S. tightens visa rules
Greenhouse Suits
Litigation becomes a tool against global warming
Greenhouse Suits
Litigation becomes a tool against global warming
A Little Big Bang
A new collider will soon create matter as dense and hot as in the early universe
Controversial DNA studies link Asian hunter-gatherers to African pygmies
The Population Slide
Fertility in some poor countries is taking a nosedive
Stalking the Wild Dugong
An undersea elephant remains elusive
Undressing the Emperor
Physicist and Social Text prankster Alan Sokal fires another salvo at thinkers in the humanities
Brookhaven Brouhaha
The laboratory tries to recover from the public-relations fallout of radioactive leaks and chemical dumping
Slaying the Age Paradox
Is the universe now old enough for its stars?
Girth of a Star
X-ray oscillations help to estimate a neutron star's radius
A Whistle-Blower' s Wars
Bee Blight
Looking for alternatives to the troubled honeybee
Medical Mismatch
When hospitals act like men
Prize Mistake
The n-body problem is solved—too late
Trends in Animal Research
Increased concern for animals, among scientists as well as the public, is changing the ways in which animals are used for research and safety testing
Suburban Amber
Hard to Melt
Ice cubes that take the heat
Science with Brass
Unusual movements from tiny metal balls
Fish Fight
A struggle over resources in Indian waters comes to a boil
Cosmic Puffery
Whither goest the big bang?
Pushing the Envelope for Vaccines
Pink Gold
The trials and tribulations of shrimp farming