HIV Detected in “Cured” Mississippi Baby, Creating Huge AIDS Therapy Setback
The infant was placed back on medication but the clinical trial to replicate virus suppression is still expected to proceed
HIV Detected in “Cured” Mississippi Baby, Creating Huge AIDS Therapy Setback
The infant was placed back on medication but the clinical trial to replicate virus suppression is still expected to proceed
The Next Generation of HIV Prevention
New drugs for women are passing through key trials
Read all the stories you want.
HIV on Trial: An Attempt to Cure the World’s Smallest Patients
New global clinical trial aims to replicate the mysterious “Mississippi baby” success
The Quest: Six Facts About Aging and Aging Research
Fact #1: With about $2.5 billion in annual funding, aging research is in the top 20 research categories supported by the National Institutes of Health.* That gives me another opportunity to test my contention that taking a couple of seconds to think about where to start searching for medical information instead of automatically calling up [...]
The Quest: $84,000 Miracle Cure Costs Less Than $150 to Make
What are the likely manufacturing costs for sofosbuvir (Brand name: Sovaldi), the newly approved miracle drug that cures hepatitis C at a cost of $84,000 for the full 12-week course of treatment?
Food Security and the Fight Against HIV/AIDS
The relationship between HIV/AIDS and food security is incredibly complex. For this guest post, I invited two experts on this issue to share their knowledge, insight, and experience.
Long-Acting Shot Prevents Infection with HIV-Like Virus
Periodic injection of an antiviral drug has been found to keep monkeys virus-free and could confer protection in humans for as long as three months
In Africa, Climate Change Wages War on Bodies, not Just Lands
While the African Union concentrates on strategies to mitigate the devastating financial effects climate change is having on Africans, I worry instead about its impact on our bodies.
The Opposite of “Protection”: A Fetish for Used Condoms
Using condoms is a good thing. Using used condoms, well, not so much. In a 2009 article published in Sexually Transmitted Infections, the British medical author Vincent Tremayne explains the fetish for prophylatics.
HIV Life Cycle Basics
Efforts to devise vaccines and treatments for HIV depend on knowledge of the virus's life cycle
Scientists Learn in Greater Detail How HIV Kills Immune Cells
HIV's Secret Hiding Place