Mathematicians Discover a New Kind of Shape That’s All over Nature
Mathematicians have found a new kind of shape with connections to nature and art
Mathematicians Discover a New Kind of Shape That’s All over Nature
Mathematicians have found a new kind of shape with connections to nature and art
Math Puzzle: Find the Secret System
How are these numbers organized?
Read all the stories you want.
Record-Breaking Prime Number, 41 Million Digits Long, Blows Mathematicians’ Mind
The discovery of a new prime number highlights the rising price of mathematical gold
Math and Puzzle Fans Find Magic in Martin Gardner’s Legacy
Scientific American columnist Martin Gardner started a long mathematical conversation that continues today
Science Crossword: Girl With Kaleidoscope Eyes
Play this crossword inspired by the November 2024 issue of Scientific American
Math Puzzle: Play Architect with These Houses of Cards
Can this house of cards be built?
The ‘Stable Marriage Problem’ Solution Underpins Dating Apps and School Admissions
An elegant matchmaking algorithm called Gale-Shapley can find the best possible pairings for everybody
A Century-Old Question Is Still Revealing Answers in Fundamental Math
Mathematicians have made lots of recent progress on a question called the Mordell conjecture, which was posed a century ago
Infinite Tiling Presents a Modern Mathematical Challenge
Today’s mathematicians grapple with higher-order mathematical questions and real-world applications.
How Mathematicians Wrestled with the Biggest Controversy in the Field
A surprisingly simple concept shook the foundations of mathematics
Is Math Part of Nature or an Invention of the Mind?
Mathematics communicator and drag queen Kyne Santos guides you through the ongoing debate about what math really is.
Finding Math’s Beauty and Power with Drag Queen Kyne Santos
Mathematics communicator and drag queen Kyne will help you discover the beauty and power of math in this miniseries.