We Learn and Make Connections Better When Information Comes from People We Like
The way we’re “wired” to learn may divide us
We Learn and Make Connections Better When Information Comes from People We Like
The way we’re “wired” to learn may divide us
Studying Mouse Reactions to an Optical Illusion Can Teach Us about Consciousness
A study of mice starts to unravel how the brain gets tricked by a particular optical illusion
Read all the stories you want.
How Foreign Governments Sway Voters with Online Manipulation
Almost half of the world population heads to elections in 2024. To counter disinformation activities aimed against the voters on social media, we must first understand how they work
Time Slows Down When We See Something Memorable
New research shows that looking at memorable images can warp our perception of time
Why Some People Always Get Lost—And Others Never Do
Experience may matter more than innate ability when it comes to a sense of direction
Chickadees Use Brain-Cell ‘Barcodes’ to Remember Where They Stashed Their Snacks
Unique patterns of neuron activation help tiny birds catalog thousands of scattered food caches
Why Writing by Hand Is Better for Memory and Learning
Engaging the fine motor system to produce letters by hand has positive effects on learning and memory
Valentine’s Day Got You Blue? There’s an Upside
Unpleasant emotions like sadness and anger can feel overwhelming, but recent research suggests they can trigger behaviors that lead to something better
Jeopardy! Winner Reveals Entwined Memory Systems Make a Trivia Champion
A former Jeopardy! winner led a new study that probes how linked memory systems may give trivia buffs an edge in their game
Brains Are Not Required When It Comes to Thinking and Solving Problems—Simple Cells Can Do It
Tiny clumps of cells show basic cognitive abilities, and some animals can remember things after losing their head
Stop Asking If the Universe Is a Computer Simulation
We will never know if we live in a computer simulation; here is a more interesting question
Why Do Christmas Songs Get Stuck in Your Head So Easily?
If holiday music seems designed in a lab to get stuck on repeat inside your head for all of December, well, it kind of is