Why Six-Year-Olds Think Computing and Engineering Are ‘for Boys’
Early cultural exposure can influence kids’ ideas about gender and STEM in significant ways
Why Six-Year-Olds Think Computing and Engineering Are ‘for Boys’
Early cultural exposure can influence kids’ ideas about gender and STEM in significant ways
Genetic Testing Is a Gift. But It Shouldn’t be a Present
Think twice before giving direct-to-consumer genetic testing kits to friends and loved ones
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Please Don’t Take Moral Advice from ChatGPT
Before turning to a large language model for ethical counsel, consider what makes for good advice
Hope Can Be More Powerful Than Mindfulness
In difficult times, a forward-looking mindset may be especially helpful
Choosing Empathy Is Critical to Democracy
If we lose sight of why empathy matters, both individual dignity and democracy suffer
A Psychologist’s Tips for Avoiding Overconsumption This Holiday Season
Holiday deals are designed to be irresistible. A consumer psychologist explains how to avoid overconsumption and shop sustainably.
When a Nation Embraces a False Reality
A renowned psychiatrist and activist compares Trump’s election to other pivotal historical moments in which the ultimate victim was truth itself
Forcing a Smile Using Electrical Stimulation Can Boost Your Mood
Researchers directed electric current to activate targeted facial muscles and then asked study participants how they felt
Hitting the Curiosity Sweet Spot Speeds Up Learning
Understanding curiosity can help people—and robots—learn faster
Parents Labeling a Kid’s Friend a Bad Influence Can Backfire
Is your kid in trouble? Blaming their friends is ill advised
Why We Love to Be Spooked
Host Rachel Feltman and behavioral scientist Coltan Scrivner explore our fascination with fear and what drives our obsession with all things spooky.
People Overestimate Political Opponents’ Immorality
To heal political division, start with common moral ground, a study suggests