How Do You Cook a Perfect Egg? Scientists Have Figured It Out
Materials scientists have found a way to perfectly cook an egg white and egg yolk simultaneously
How Do You Cook a Perfect Egg? Scientists Have Figured It Out
Materials scientists have found a way to perfectly cook an egg white and egg yolk simultaneously
Untangling Why Red Wine Causes Headaches
Opt for lighter, cheaper wine to dodge headaches this holiday season
Read all the stories you want.
Chemists Seeking Better Bandages Make World’s Smallest Pasta
Researchers seeking better bandages are creating extremely thin fibers of starch
What Gives Christmas Trees Their Crisp, Cozy Scent?
Learn which molecules are responsible for giving Christmas trees their distinct, crisp-yet-spicy scent
This Year’s Nobel Prizes Are a Warning about AI
Unless we pursue AI carefully, the Nobel committee will one day give a Peace Prize to the people cleaning up its terrible consequences, just as it did with nuclear physics
Flame Retardants in Black Plastic Spatulas Concern Scientists
The scientists behind a popular study on the health effects of flame retardants in black plastic cooking utensils and toys made a calculation error but still say their revised findings are alarming
A Quiet Bias Is Keeping Black Scientists from Winning Nobel Prizes
The way scientists recognize one another’s work overlooks the seminal contributions of Black scientists. The Nobel Committees need to recognize how this excludes Black scientists from awards
Too Much Teeth Whitening Can Cause Damage. Here’s What to Know
Using teeth-whitening treatments to achieve a brighter smile may be appealing, but experts say overdoing it could cause lasting damage
The Universe in 100 Colors Provides a Stunning Tour through Science
A science photo book probes the colors we can see—and even “forbidden” colors we can’t
Don’t Panic. AI Isn’t Coming to End Scientific Exploration
Science is filled with tools that once seemed revolutionary and are now just part of the research tool kit. That time may have come for artificial intelligence
The Untold Story of Marie Curie’s Network of Female Scientists
Marie Curie is well known for her chemistry achievements but less so for helping other women succeed in science
2024 Chemistry Nobel Awarded for Cracking the Secret Code of Proteins
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry goes to biochemist David Baker, and Google DeepMind scientists Demis Hassabis and John Jumper, for predicting protein shapes and functions— and for creating entirely new ones that can improve health and the environment