Why Are Recurring Dreams Usually Bad Ones?
Recurring dreams may feature taking a test the dreamer didn’t study for, having to make a speech or being attacked. Here’s why our sleeping brain comes back to these unpleasant dreams again and again
Why Are Recurring Dreams Usually Bad Ones?
Recurring dreams may feature taking a test the dreamer didn’t study for, having to make a speech or being attacked. Here’s why our sleeping brain comes back to these unpleasant dreams again and again
Annual U.S. Dementia Cases Projected to Rise to 1 Million by 2060
A new study finds that dementia cases will increase at a much higher rate than expected, with lifetime risk rising to 42 percent after age 55
Read all the stories you want.
Why We’re So Preoccupied by the Past
People talk more about past events than future ones—and memories hold clues for navigating the present
Here’s Why Bad Sleep and Toxic Thoughts Go Hand-in-Hand
Findings reveal the memory-related brain processes that generate unwanted thoughts when people are sleep deprived
Why Time ‘Slows’ When You’re in Danger
It seems like time slows in an emergency or in the heat of a sports match. Here are a few explanations for this altered perception
How Frazzled Parents Can Be More Present with Kids during the Holidays
Future-oriented thinking, rather than careening from moment to moment, can help parents have more meaningful moments with their children
Outrage Fatigue Is Real. These Tips May Help
Repeated exposure to outrage-inducing news or events can lead to emotional exhaustion. An expert who studies online outrage says there are ways to cope
Wikipedia Searches Reveal Differing Styles of Curiosity
Mapping explorers of Wikipedia rabbit holes revealed three different styles of human inquisitiveness: the “busybody,” the “hunter” and the “dancer”
How Rare ‘Alice in Wonderland Syndrome’ Warps Reality
Researchers are learning what causes Alice in Wonderland syndrome, a rare neurological condition that can appear to warp bodies, time and reality itself
Why Six-Year-Olds Think Computing and Engineering Are ‘for Boys’
Early cultural exposure can influence kids’ ideas about gender and STEM in significant ways
Our Bodies Are So Ready to Celebrate the Rebirth of the Sun
The winter solstice is the culmination of a period every year when each cell in our body literally craves more light
The Forgotten History of the Discovery of Human Brainwaves
The centennial of the discovery of brain waves in humans exposes a chilling tale involving Nazis, war between Russia and Ukraine, suicide and the vicissitudes of history